A defensive weapon against non-consensual MicroVolt Biomedical Measurements.

Note: the baseline output voltage from this example is 17-30mv, you can convert this to 5VDC of zero point / “Tesla” energy with an instrumentation amplifier.

Making MicroVolt Biomedical Measurements

A Technical Brief


Measuring electrical phenomena presents a number of unique challenges to biomedical signal measurement systems. The tiny, microVolt-level electrical pulses that signal a firing neuron or a muscle response are often obscured by high-amplitude noise and/or accompanied by significant DC potentials.

Quite often, the signal of interest is a small transient pulse that occurs intermittently or only once. In some applications,

Minute chemical and catalytic changes occur over a matter of several minutes or even hours, making it critical that important experimental events are captured in a single acquisition.

This technical brief will discuss the basic techniques used to make low-level stimulus/response measurements in biomedical research environments with a Tektronix Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope and an ADA400A Differential Preamplifier.

https://download.tek.com/document/48W_28061_0_HR.pdf , /Archive https://archive.is/lqLhc


  • 100 feet of coiled copper speaker wire, leave the shrink-wrap attached, free up about 6 inches of the lead.
  • One lead goes to ground (i.e. earth ground or breaker panel) and “negative” on your multimeter. I am using my electric water heater, it’s the next best thing to a human body loaded with Fluoride – do NOT do this with a gas water heater.
  • The other lead goes to”positive” on your multimeter, use the DC/MV setting.

Bill Gates and Microsoft want to use this voltage in your body to mine crypto.

And none of the corrupt uniparty scum in Washington have shit to say about it.

NONE of the candidates for 2024 have SHIT to say about it.

AFAIC, they are all equally worthless.

Didn’t get into this knowing beforehand that it’s close to the principles of a homemade ELF/VLF receiver. Good post here about making one, and using free software to record/capture it. (Spectrum Lab by DL4YHF, I didn’t get into ELF yet)