I don’t need to hack them, Gary will just set the room +r and they delete their fucking website constantly without any help from me.

Girl I’m so 31337 I can hack into your shitty website from a homeless shelter with neither a laptop nor an internet connection? 

I hate them so fucking much it’s fucking unreal.

Alcoholics and addicts always have someone to blame.

Like my dad, when he started drinking again, he yelled to his wife: “It’s all Robbie’s fault! He came over and left the vodka on my porch!”

And so it is, when Gary fucks up and sets his room +r and nobody can join.

“Robbie hacked us!” and in come the hate filled fucking emails and threats as I’m sitting here on a cot minding my own business and trying to “move on.”

I hate twelve steppers. They’re paranoid, deluded , violent, deranged lunatics.

Even “resigning” or deleting the website doesn’t spare me from that madness.

Instant cringe, instant block when anyone calls me “Robby” or “Robbie” – you’re one of them – and I do not fucking know you, nor do I want to.

Cindy wasn’t co-signing that shit, she went, “ah, no? I don’t think he came all the way here from Arizona and did that?”

Unfortunately she’s the only sane person in my life with a grip on reality.

Cause while I’m getting blamed … for whatever.. with full page interstital rants about whatever I “did to you” now, heres my view from Haven for Hope in Texas:

In the rooms “ESH” means “Experience, strength and hope.”

On Reddit, it means “Everyone Sucks Here.” 

Fun fact:

“Scapegoating” is a Hebrew word.

There is no equivalent term for this concept in proto/Eastern European dialect.

You can … think whatever you want about what the fuck I mean by that.

Pro tip: If you’re going to fuck with someone make sure he’s not already a diseased fucking pariah and already widely loathed by all of his tribes. 👍🏻