Memory Lane has a few Potholes in It

He who would be free must himself strike the blow — Frederick Douglass

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One of the posts that just somehow “vanished” from Blogger, was a few years ago and it involved me living out in some corn field in the middle of nowhere. 

“They” had some kind of “radar” dish, but not exactly, and they were scanning through the corn searching for someone or something and were all terrified.

After awhile it became apparent that “they” were looking for someone or something else .. not us …

Dreams stacked on dreams stacked on dreams, I found another blogger who writes about SOME of the same things I do , and something jogged in my memory about something with spatial / hemispheric orientation and being tested for that in one of those “I don’t fucking know what I did or why I’m here” times as a kid.

I aced all of that stuff and tested 12th grade everything since elementary school yet was a straight F student. 

Whenever I was asked what my home room was, I’d answer “132.”

“Isn’t that.. the .. in school suspension room?”


At some point I had to stop reading. Maybe that’s why HIV-eMind and Twatter summarily toss everyone out to the curb for saying anything other than what the “hive” is “permitted.” One person is an anecdote, two people are an anamoly, there or four or five or 32,000,000 of us is a conspiracy, alright?

PTSD engaged, a roller coaster of nightmares all night, but all things in reverse.

I come home to an emptied/cleared out hotel room, all my stuff gone, I can’t reach anyone at the front desk , or security or housekeeping to ask “what the fuck-” and where am I, and what is my check out date and .. oh no, not this again.

I find a little white note taped to the cabinets with a note saying your stuffs fine, call this number …

If you really want some head candy, watch the video for the deep dish remix of Stevie Nicks – Dreams. That isn’t a dream, that is a mother fucking nightmare.

Flashbacks of Chicago back in the day… you know all this silliness about “monkeypox” and “18 person orgies” making national news? sigh, 18 people isn’t an orgy, that’s barely a cookout. But I remember being a polite young man who wasn’t really comfortable with wherever I ended up one night and I did not particularly care to take my pants off and join the monkeypox pile. 

I just realized that this apartment was in the same building where Wayne lived and passed away. His was the .. left hand orientation and this other place I met Anthony was the reverse right hand orientation and that really jogged something.

This other guy, Anthony was much the same and we looked at each other uncomfortably in silence and he said “fuck these guys, come home with me.”

*Klaus voice* I vill not live in the pod, I vill not smoke the bad batch of bathtub crank, I vill not take off my pants. I vill not chase the bugs. You and I vill be so happy together, I vill enjoy your meat and make Baby Bill Gates clyyy, mwa ha ha.

Ah to be 21 again. I wish I’d stayed.

But I was developing a littttttttttttttle bit of a – okay, a reallllllly big “problem.”

Dr Werntz was fond of grumbling, “don’t tell me about your clean time. I already know you’re sober because you show up for appointments. when I lose my patients to that shit, they stop coming, they stop calling. They have better things to do! Now I don’t know what the hell those things ARE. I don’t think they do, either!”

Based old crank.

So last night I dreamt about us again and started giggling at the absurdity of being banned from mainstream social media, and not being really warmly received on Gab when I whine “I don’t want to make white babies I like gay interracial sex!”

You spend awhile in the most absolutely degenerate fucking dregs of 4chan or you tough it out on Gab anyway, and maybe you’re back on mainstream social media again but now you’ve picked up some new eloquence like “happy merchant” and “consoooom”, stuff that pisses them off even more than what you were exiled for. 

It’s like this never ending cycle where you just come back , foaming at the mouth and hating these fucking companies and everyone behind this shit ten thousand times more militant and defeated than the year before.. with a MORE “OFFENSIVE” vocabulary , god help us all, is that even … at what point do they split so many hairs , and at what point do we invent creative and heretofore unprecedented forms of cursing or making Jannies cry , that the whole fucking simulation melts down… ? /dry sarcasm

I’m not deflecting responsibility here but, *waves hand at society* YOU did that.

I’m not even allowed into the fucking sandbox to help fuck your shit up.

Although I suppose that I would like to, if I were allowed to do so.

I’ll spare hours of torment and details but I capped the dream off with having one of my tattoos lasered off / removed. 

The guy would only do one at a time , one appointment at a time, and I was really bummed. “I want all of them off of me, now.”

Then I realized that my “tattoo” was on the wrong arm as I looked down at it.

It’s on my right side. In my dream , it was on my left side and he removed that.

I went , “oh shit, I’m in the other hemisphere of my mind!!!!!!” 

Immediately woke up. 


Nope nope nope, joder eso, I ain’t going back to sleep tonight.

So sharks have bifurcated brains , right? they don’t sleep. they just operate on one half for awhile and then zap out over to the other half while they let other side ”sleep” or go dormant or whatever. much like doctor foley’s old roommate, that dude could go for like 25-30 days … you just stay awake forever that way…

Strife is a blessing, they lied

Stress: “the difficulty of surmounting the problems of everyday life which are caused by the totalitarian government and the sinister figures behind it.” — Eustace Mullins (Murder by Injection, the Medical Conspiracy against America – 1988)


tl;dr your plexiglass cuck shield at the dollar general store won’t help you

Vlail Kaznacheyev was most famous for his work with “Kozyrev’s Mirrors”, a shielded chamber where the magnetic environment can be reduced to zero, apparently inducing all kinds of psychological and psychic effects where u are essentially (allegedly) whipped out of time, into the Universal Mind. 

He is also known for his experiments with UV. Cultures containing all kinds of disease conditions — viral infections, radiation damage, chemical damage — could transmit these exact conditions to neighbouring cultures that were hermetically sealed off, but with a quartz window separating them, allowing UV rays through. (Glass blocked the effect.)

He also found the converse, that healthy cultures could “walk back” a diseased one into a state of health.

These experiments were widely replicated in the USSR and also in Europe.

It’s extremely hard to find any information about these experiments, although they were all published in the open literature. The best source I’ve found is the American researcher Lt Col Tom Bearden at — but unfortunately, Bearden is mostly concerned with the military applications of this work. He alleges that the Soviets weaponized these findings extensively, and were literally able to transmit disease conditions wirelessly — or at least potentiate populations for certain disease conditions, so that pathogens would become much more deadly. 

  • /quote source ,
Vlail Kaznacheyev, Cosmic Consciousness, page 25

In summary:

A cell culture was placed into two identical samples, A and B, and placed into two sealed containers with a thin optical window separating the containers.

Kaznacheyev then exposed the cell culture from sample A to a virus which would lead to illness and death and during this time he monitored cell culture B.

As a result, when the window between the two sealed containers was made of ordinary glass, which blocks ultraviolet radiation ,the cell culture B remained healthy. 

However when the window between the two sealed containers was made of quartz, which did not block any ultraviolet radiation , between 2-4 hours after the cell culture A became ill and died, the cell culture B also became ill and died too.

The experiment was repeated more than 5000 times.

It was found that the chance of infection without physical contact was as high as 70-80%.

DNA within a cell works like radio cells, its capable of transmitting and receiving electromagnetic signals. These electrical siganals affect the cell’s health.

Source: , its from a book about AIDS specifically but that was not the sole focus of the Russians work or experimentation.

I think I’ve been sitting in my corner mumbling about electrons and toroidal fields for awhile now. Inquisitive minds would like to know, what happens with a mirror?


“Aztec poetry is all about this conflict that the heart goes through because of loving life and finding life so beautiful and yet knowing that we are not immortal.” — Lhasa de Sela (1972-2010)

I got caught in a storm
And carried away
I got turned, turned around

I got caught in a storm
That’s what happened to me
So I didn’t call
And you didn’t see me for a while

I was rising up
Hitting the ground
And breaking and breaking

I was caught in a storm
Things were flying around 
And doors were slamming
And windows were breaking
And I couldn’t hear what you were saying
I couldn’t hear what you were saying
I couldn’t hear what you were saying

I was rising up
Hitting the ground
And breaking and breaking

— Lhasa, Rising

The Axe Forgets, the tree remembers.

How happy is the blameless vestal’s lot! 

The world forgetting, by the world forgot. 

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! 

Each pray’r accepted, and each wish resign’d; 


Step 8: We simply denied harming anyone and continued to harm others.

If i knew in 2016 what I know today , when they asked me for “temporary help” as Bristol attacked their site, I would have told them this:

“The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.

“previous admin” are you fucked in your head bill, that website was (and still is) a private personal asset i paid thousands of dollars to register and build in 2014 and this clown just up and locked me out of it and had the gall to “apologize” for the content of my private files on my god damned server. susie and her “oh i dont even talk to woody anymore lol” BS. fuckin women. fuckin addicts. fuckin female addicts.

“Limit the people you interact with before they limit YOU.”

Equilibrium (interdimensional qi)

It’s kind of describing what I was describing, except with different language and terminology. I didn’t copy this, and it was written in 2019 , so it’s not copying anything I’ve posted here or elsewhere (this would be a topic I would not touch until April of 2020.)

It’s possible that we’ve both read and/or are familiar with the Everett model, or that … maybe some of the things you “experience” were real …

But this process of equilibrium , which I have referred to in the physical realm as “chi” , there’s also a dimensional equivalent of it , and this is a better description:

I have said this before , that they would love nothing more than to figure out how to “go .. somewhere else.. and laser us off like a tumor or throw us away like a used Kleenex” but we are closer to .. that force… than they are. 

What might this accomplish? I’ll go really far out in left field and say that the crooked bricks of the cathedral at the basilica could slowly align into place , or a hospital that disappeared 80 years ago could be standing once again. I’ve given the previous example (from 2020) of two copies of the same hotel on the same street , being there one day and then one of them — not being there the next day, and I don’t really feel like talking about the rest of it right now , or perhaps even “never.”

But I remember these things vividly and I don’t seem to be too bothered by them.

In the Revelation of John, 

Jesus is said to have said that some of you won’t be affected by the “second death.”

Is that true? 

“I don’t know, you’re telling me that … “

I have a fucking hilarious theory about something that I don’t want to share today.

For now, let’s call it “unintended consequences.”

Challenge Accepted

Every day it may happen that a “victim” MUST be found 

I’ve got a little list — Of citizens who are pissed! 

Of Trump supporters who might well be underground 

And who never would be missed — who never would be missed! 

There’s the pestilential nuisances who write for keks and laughs!

The IBM 5100 and the Bynes 5150

I’m still pencil’ed in for calling “Q” and “John Titor” larps, so call this one a Y2k38 theory. Never mind the IBM 5100 — my hypervisor runs on the FAR superior Bynes 5150.

Silicon Valley , and most tech companies, managers are clueless fucking asshats who procrastinate on known issues, ship software known to be bug addled as a GA release, and put every crisis off until the very last fucking minute.

IBM has lost some market share to products like Peoplesoft, which are capable of directly executing Fortran and assembly language, a bunch of HR departments and universities who were among “the first business entities even using mainframe computing” have jumped off of the mainframe ship , or at least MODERNIZED their code and moved it to an up to date 64-bit IBM OS and server, that doesn’t have the y2k38 problem. 

I just had a conversation with someone about AIX and whether it was a “dead OS” and had to check this one but it was updated in December of 2021. 

Tons of hospitals still use AIX for weird use cases such as a federal requirement that they keep fetal monitor records stored electronically for 21 years — and that requirement alone is “sus” as far as I am concerned but I will leave that alone today — so they have a 21 year data retention that keeps creeping 21 years forward as more infants are born and monitored — sure.. they can clean up the old data — but they have a rolling 21 year period of mandatory data retention —– and yeah, THOSE are the people paying IBM $100,000 – $250,000 a year for software support. 

That’s an example of something nobody wants to migrate off of, or have a low incentive to migrate off of, “because it works” and “shit, even if we do switch vendors, that fucking thing STILL has to run and be accessible for 21 years” and it’s apparently such a strict requirement that if a deployment of a competing product — if there is one — and the new system fails to retain that data …

Well anyway, there is a good reason McKesson and Epic do about half of their work in “old” existing systems via middleware functions rather than attempting to replace those back office/back end functions.

Suppose they shrug their shoulders and put off the y2k38 problem for another 14 years.. and they will, because that is how these dipshits run their businesses…

Suppose everyone’s pretty much fucked and dependent on IBM solving it if they are STILL on a legacy IBM mainframe…

Suppose someone comes up with a platform capable of converting the old assembly/mainframe/cpm shit to and from unix and wants to capitalize on that…

And IBM says “we already invented that.”

The IBM 5100 — why wouldn’t they advertise or document its capabilities?

Because these functions were intended for the sole use of IBM field techs.

And patents and licenses start vaporizing left and right once that is revealed…

The “services” industry (ACS/Xerox, CSC, many others not important enough to name, such as “infosys” who dominates the government space and NOT by talent) didn’t really come around until other hardware, OS, software, etc vendors existed. 

Had someone figured it out, and not been bound to a non-compete clause —

I’d be rolling in literal fucking millions if not for such a non-compete clause , because I apparently know more detailed information about several hardware devices and software solutions out there in the field that I supported than, in some cases, the business units who designed , deployed, and sold them. 

Ask me again “why all these evil big tech firms do evil things?”

I believe in technology, science, and the spiritual just as surely as I believe in, and can explain Sargent’s proprietary methods of submastering via the use of warded clusters of three superceded by one key that fits them all. If we were in a “simulation” , I suppose the “source” (the mysterion, the sacred secret, the jesuchristo, it has more names than I do) would be the supervisor and our “dimension” would be the hypervisor , and you and I would be individual “processes” in some sort of “virtual machine” if you wanted or cared to look at it that way. I haven’t really thought that one out , “fuck it, we’re gonna do it live!”

Human behavior is not predictable unless it is kept in a limited frame of perception. I postulate that we have been deliberately kept in a limited frame of perception via propaganda , media , suppression, and outright falsehoods since at LEAST the 1950s owing to the fact that the computing resources available at that time were only capable of computing likely outcomes and probabilities of two scenarios or inputs. In order for “that” matrix to work, and accurately “predict” future outcomes, people must be kept in a limited frame of perception, addled with drugs, bombarded with lies and propaganda etc. 

I think history will show many cases where “some people did some things” so that we would stay more or less within “acceptable parameters” based on that technology. And now, there is better technology, quantum technology , that is still pretty bad, but can be trained to guess better than its predecessor technology, and wouldn’t I love to be a fucking fly on the wall for what its real conclusions are?

It’s not about “technology,” all this stuff about the pyramids, portals, alternate tracks, I actually do believe “that’s a thing ,” and that these will open up for certain people under certain circumstances, whether due to their innate characteristics, (or in some cases yes , drugs) and in still other cases, indeed, due to both. I believe in that shit way more than I believe in “time” travel, because as of the present time, as I have repeatedly said, I do not believe in time. Time is a manifestation of perception, and if there is a way to record what has happened, what is happening, or where all of that converges, and technology is in any way involved, it would likely involve background radiation or something like that , that can be read by technological means. This is not important and it’s probably not that difficult.

Remember that “trauma victims have black and white, all or nothing thinking.”

And BPDs, whether innate or just drawn that way , or raped or brainwashed into it.

The problem with a scenario of a “time traveler” becoming widely believed, plausible, or proven , is that it would cause people to escape from their limited frame of perception, is that this shatters their “black and white, all or nothing, there are only two possible outcomes or paths forward” frame of mindset.

I suspect, given enough time, someone– I do not purport to predict anything — will pull off a stunt that is literally going to sledgehammer the fucking screen, think “michael jackson is actually still alive” or something fun like that, that would make everyone realize they have been lied to about everything, forever, but at the same time won’t reduce everyone to 10/10 gibbering straightjacket material. 

[as an aside, this would be an example of a “decoherence” level event. I am sure someone with a better sense of humor and/or more resources at their disposal can come up with something more original than that.]

So if human behavior is only “predictable” when it is kept in a limited frame of mind or perception, and someone else has “cracked the code” on predicting human behavior or societal outcomes, this leaves us with your answer for their desire .. no… PANIC .. to keep every single one of us on a tighter leash and control our movements our communications, what we are allowed to see on TV or post online.

Whatever’s coming they want to make goddamn sure , that nobody is aware of it.

That nobody can discuss it.

That nobody will ever believe it.

Believe it.

Imagine what we don’t know they’ve done, or what they are working against our interests to cover up or enrich themselves with. 

If you find yourself in a situation that looks like blue beam fuckery, I suggest you leave the area in a calm and orderly fashion. Leave the state altogether if possible. It’s either Jesus or glowniggers. If it’s Jesus and you’re good, you’re good. If it’s Jesus and you ain’t good, stay calm anyway, he’ll get to you next.

So , you can either infer that .. I have either experienced exactly what I said I did …

And that I have a very fucking compelling reason that I would even say that to you.

Or you can check me off for “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs,” I don’t really fucking care.

Maybe if it is a test, it’d be for the BEST if you listen to your OWN instincts.

“9995? That’s the kind of combination an idiot uses on his luggage!”

Don’t really know what to tell you ,

They used 24 or so different types of drugs on me as juvenile a ward of the state, some of them you would recognize, some of them I have no fucking idea what they were. One of them made me piss the bed. One of them distorted my depth perception so much that a car’s brake lights 200 feet in front of us registered as an “imminent collision” and I’d be screaming in the front seat.

Another one gave me like, what I will jokingly refer to as “superpowers,” I found a flaw in a particular type of folger-adams lock for the “food tray” , whereby if you kicked it about 3-4 inches above the tray, directly in the center, the lock would disengage and the food tray would pop open.

I gave everyone else instructions on how to exploit this, and all hell broke loose because you could not leave or enter the unit without passing our group. One of them was a little disturbed than us and he’d kick the tray open and fling cups of piss at staff members he didn’t like.

There was kid from Janesville I encountered in 3 different facilities and I hated his fucking guts. Chris Powell, I think his name was. He would get on the phone and tell his mom every persons name in juvenile detention, first and last name, so the bitch could go gossip to all her friends about who the bad kids were. As her own fucking kid was in there, good grief.

Chris ends up in the next room to me and he started taunting me about fat my mom was. I say “super powers” because I started kicking the cinderblock wall that separated us open like the fucking koolaid man. Ohhh yeaaah! I proceeded to kick through both sides of our wall, and as the hole got bigger and bigger, I threw every piece of broken cinderblock at his fucking head and had damn near made a hole big enough to crawl through and beat his ass, save for a piece of electrical conduit in the way, acting sort of like a “bar on the window” preventing me from crawling through and getting him. But not from breaking bigger and bigger and bigger pieces of the wall off and pelting him with them while he shrieked to be saved.

All hell broke loose from there once the other guys realized the walls could be kicked and broken down. Maintenance showed up and welded a few metal patch pieces over it, and they had to close down and relocate the entire unit to one where the walls were constructed of solid concrete.

I got another fun story about the same kid, Chris, he shows up at a third facility I’m in, and this was the one where “some bitch named Candace” — I have to tell you this story, it’s funny,okay — Candace with her 3 inch long purple fingernails and her giant hoop earrings , sits down next to me at the table and asks me “so, why does your file say to never let you look at or see any of our keys?”

I said “because I can remember them and then fabricate them or alter my key to match them.”

Candace said “nuh uh, boy you ain’t that smart.”

I shrugged. Idgaf what you think, bitch.

So Candace , sigh, must have never seen the movie “Gremlins” and learned the perils of not following the care and feeding instructions when she was a child.

She pulls out her key ring and straight up, held the master key to the entire unit, up to my face, and said “so you’re telling me, if I show you this key, you’ll memorize it and make one?”

I already knew, from comparing my room key to the other guys keys, that the first three pins were identical on all the keys. The master key, therefore, would have been on elevations/depth of the last four pins.

It didn’t even take me 5 seconds to snort and say “the fucking master key is 9 9 9 5?” I lost my shit laughing. “It’s fucking 9995? THATS YOUR MASTER KEY? HAHAHAAHJHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA”

She pulled the key back and asked “wh wh what, do you mean?”

Because you can take ANY key and file it down to 999 with nail clippers or a piece of tile grout, LOL. Who the FUCK would make the master key “9995” instead of like, “0001” (?) because you “can’t build a key up as easily as you cut it down.”(*) it took me a half hour with the nail clipper and grout to make my favorite new toy.

(*) “I can,” and “I did, ” when they attempted to rekey the entire unit and do exactly that, but that particular trick is reserved for future use at a later time, sorry.

Now I could go into the supply closet and the contraband closet where all the drugs and all the other fun shit went, I’d help myself to the mariijuana , roll it up in some bible paper, and shove two pencil leads in the outlet , take some toilet tissue twisted up on a third pencil lead that I’d touch up against the other two leads to light my joint , and pretty much any weed you got caught with was my weed now.

Sargent locks of that era were divided into two categories, (R)ight and (L)eft , representing whether the warded part of the key was on the right or the left side of the blank. The warding configuration was such that , keys for lock types RA, RB, and RC would not fit into each other cylinders. But then “RD” fit into all three types of locks and was a sub-master of RA/RB/RC. , this pattern continued on where RE/RF/RG were not compatible keys, but then “RH” was a submaster capable of entering all three of those. 

Moving along, RI/RJ/RK , same story, RL was a submaster and I don’t know how many of these groups there were or at what letter they ended, but then there an altogether different key blank, I don’t know the alphabetical letter for these keys, but IF memory serves me correct 30 years later, the generic names for the left and right keys that fit into ALL OF THEM are SC-6 and SC-31, one of those being for left warded keys and the other being for the right warded key.

I think the SC6 is the right hand warded key, and the SC-31 is the left hand warded key. Basically if you took concrete and shaved all the wards down, your “RJ” master for Blackhawk was now a defacto homemade SC-31 key for the entire institution, I could open the fences and walk right out the juvenile prison.

How does Rob know this? He was bored, he was 9 years old and saw Sally Struthers on TV selling diplomas , and picked up a phone and told some nice lady “I want to be a locksmith” and they just .. mailed me books and equipment and a invoice I never paid. They called the house one day and asked me a few questions about when I was going to pay .. I’d done all their little courses and passed the tests but never got the certificate because they wanted their money (of course.) But this one lady asked if I minded her asking how old I was. “10.” 

PCDI never called again. I didn’t get my certificate either, booooo. 

I guess I must be a leftist, I was way ahead of my time!!!!!! I wanted a diploma and I didn’t want to pay for it!!!!!! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL anyway.

The first experiment was with John , the ministerial servant I was fucking , who showed me the key to the kingdom hall, like “okay , you can practice. make this key.” So did. And it worked. St Aemelian’s, I already wrote about running away from that place all the time , but on some of those trips I would get Corbin or Schlage keys and fashion master keys to the units there as well. I was 12 I think. I had one teacher who was really angry, and two other teachers who just busted out laughing uncontrollably and could not even try to pretend it wasnt funny. 

So this particular “gremlin” came with instructions: “Hide your keys , do not ever let him see the unit key.”

Anyway, I “outed myself” one day, and it was all because of Chris Powell. 

Who, once again, was in the fucking room next to me. In a different place.

(Wasn’t that uncommon, my baby daddy was my roommate a few times in a few different places, wink, ohhhh Ricky you’re so pretty you don’t understand-)

Chris being Chris, would stay safe inside his room taunting people, like he did about my mother. And he’d yell “NIGGER! NIGGER NIGGER! NIGGER! NIGGER!” at you, know, the 98% black population of the unit as theyd all gather around his door and say “if you ever open that door boy-” 

He had a little song, a little rap, I’m not going to lie , it was catchy, it was like any Beyonce anthem, years ahead of his time, just repeating the same word over and over and over and and over and over. He could have been a song writer for Beyonce, but I don’t think she’d have approved of this particular jam, because , I could type out the lyrics for you, but every single word of his song was “nigger.”

Alright, he had the dudes circling his door and he scared to even go piss.

Chris jumps up on his desk and whispers through the crack in our wall “hey your mom’s still fucking fat!” and then he went back to do his door and starting calling four young men a … I already said it, you know EXACTLY what he was saying. This time all four of them were trying to breach his door.

What the hell’s the matter with you guys, I took two of those doors down in 2 or 3 kicks single handedly … remember , superpowers right ?

Oh but today Chris Powell was getting his. I smiled and grabbed my key out of its special location — wrapped in a plastic garbage bag and pushed to the bottom of a metal cannister of “blue magic” and went out into the hallway and finally revealed my secret. I stuck the key in the lock and opened the door for those four men.

I went back down and laid on my bed and listened to him scream and cry and wail and get his ass beaten black and blue by four young men who were as tired of his mouth as I was. I’m not gonna lie. I smiled. I enjoyed every horrified, terrified shriek. The staff were , to put it mildly, shocked . They saw exactly what I procured, and exactly what I did, but they’d been watching this go on long enough that they just ignored it and they let him beat the kid’s ass.

They came to room about two hours later to toss it and throw me in solitary confinement for a few months. They never found the key, or wondered why a white boy needed a can of “Blue Magic.” Those motherfuckers tossed my room almost every day and they only ever caught me with it one time when I’d just used it to procure some weed, and still had the key in my pocket.

Did a little more time in solitary over that ………………………………..

It’s not the solitary confinement part that gets to me.

It’s just that … it’s really fucking boring alone in your head without weed.

They dragged me in front of Judge Lussow and said I deserved more time locked up in this “secure facility” because I kept making keys to the goddamn place.

I asked Judge Lussow , “what’s the point of a more secure facility, when I can make keys to it anyway? obviously I can march out the fence or straight through the sallyport or the front gate, and I choose NOT TO, so -“

He told me “that wasn’t the point” and , my extended vacation was “so ordered.”

still a dumpster fire.

someone was ranting about maga people and their “unsophisticated” choices in vehicles, and I was like LOL your “sophisticated” taste in vehicles is what made Elon Musk so rich he’s buying your leftist safe space and unbanning Trump, LOL

anyway, various explanations of a theoretical multiverse, i like the visual example of the ends of a fiber optic cable extending in every possible direction but I am bound to three of them that also sort of resemble “twisted pair,” numbered 17, 18, and 19:

There is a mediating force that decides what future potentials and outcomes are allowed, but “they” try to stay one step ahead of this by manufacturing propaganda, amygdala hijack, and circumstances such that the three of them resemble each other within let’s say a 1-5% variance.

You could also visualize it as overlapping waveforms, and if they get too far away from eachothers baseline , this is a “decoherence event” under the Everett model. Trump being elected President is probably one of the wildest examples of that in historyif you want an explanation for why the whole fucking machine went berserk.

And it might not be anything more complicated than “they’ve been doing this since the 1950s, human behavior is not predictable, so they forced people into a limited frame of perspective, traumatized and brainwashed them into adopting “all or nothing,” “black or white thinking,” and cornering people into thinking they only have two choices, that one of those choices threatens their survival or is the “lesser of two evils” or whatever. It might just be a matter of, “we can only kind of calculate human behavior within a certain range if we force these choices or circumstances on them.” :

“Decoherence” under the Everett model would be something so fucking drastic, like “9/11,” that there is no “Mandela effect,” and we are all forced into accepting a “consensus” “historical event” (i could name others, but I won’t make any friends in doing so) that is inalterable, a trauma like the “Challenger disaster” or “9/11..” or whatever.. you and I are bound to intertwined paths forward that “must” include “9/11.” I suppose there could be, or could have been , people who think that the the Revelation of St John has come to pass (I’m sure more than once, “they” are always trying to make their “prophecy” happen, fuck off this is NOT the first time they tried this playbook) 

They are not subjectively “real” or “true” to enough people, to be counted in whatever force(s) mediate whether they are an acceptable path forward.

I guess I like to think of it more as a strand theory than as a string theory.

I’m not 100% sure what Dr Munizza and her colleagues — or any of those other “behavioral modification programs” did to us when we’re 12 or 13 or whatever. Paris Hilton and Paris Jackson have the floor on that one and so far they’re just on the physical/sexual/mental abuse, we had in that in abundance as well.

Whatever it is, I’m pretty sure it’s fucked up, illegal, and they just figured we were disposable because , as they *loved* to tell us at every opportunity, the “recidivism rate was so high” 80-90% of us would be “dead or in prison by the time we were 18.”

How does one coherently explain decoherence?

What I refer to as a “rift” is what others have referred to as “decoherence” — there’s this big dome like thing and everything’s orange and its on fire, and there’s vaccum cleaners in the sky and shit — and everyone knows EXACTLY what the fuck is going on, but what a difference one day makes and it just “never happened.” I have personal experience of two of these events roughly along DEW lines and/or the southern so-called border, and predict another one kind of the roughly somewhere in the area of Pennsylvania — I’ve already commented on this publicly and it’s possible that this one will be dodged, because 1) fuck off, I’m tired and I want nothing to do with it , 2) the window of opportunity for it has passed, and 3) predicting such an event could cause a radical paradigm shift with unpredictable consequences if/when such a very extremely specific claim were to check out.

One day a street in Clearwater has two hotels from the exact same brand/chain and franchise mere blocks apart , and then when you wake up the next day, only one of the hotels is there … You wonder why I go on these tangents .. about … your most basic assumptions, challenging just one or two of those is enough to cause enough of a radical paradigm shift to result in said “decoherence” and now you know why, the propaganda and the shit on your “idiot box” has to be so — the radical paradigm shift, the “decoherence, ” causes such a divergence that one possibility ceases to exist. Re-read me. It’s all over this blog.

And you come home to find out that your mom was in some weird headspace where she’d invited the authorities into your house to search for drugs and weapons because she was terrified you were about to go , like commit a mass shooting or something heinous like that?

… and you’re just discredited as an addict or a lunatic .. I haven’t disagreed that I’m lunatic, but where the hell did she even get that idea from and why were these police accepting an invitation into my home, to toss it and search it with no warrant and no probable cause or any reasonable basis to do so?

I told you those fuckers tried to set me up in the early 2000s — its true, the case may be wiped but the receipts are at the courthouse and in both newspapers archives , and I can’t imagine they appreciate what I say about them but its true.

I feel like I had another close call with somehow getting blamed for something … again … it was not very long — hours, maybe a day or two — after I’d posted the pictures I’d taken of that newscast and they’d hacked my fucking blog and set all that into motion? Knowing what I know today I don’t believe them about “Doc.”

I was not , and am not, on drugs , although that’s your favorite means to discredit me or anything or anything I have to say about whatever the fuck happened.

I guess Dustin was right after all. Did you know, the CIA actually invented this whole thing about sucking on a pipe and hearing voices no one else could in the 1960s? LOL

Is it possible that the ability for apparently contradictory individual experiences , is more closely related to many-minds than I think you think that it is, because what is and a mind , and what is matter anyway? 

Wayne used to always say “love is a sophisticated subroutine running on a computer made of meat.”

This is fucking cool:

The non-contradictory, simultaneous nature of multiverses is better described by the Everett Interpretation, but neither many-minds nor multiverses can exist under the premise of duality: “for everything there is, there is something it isn’t.” 

Another way of looking at duality , is to that is to say, that “for everything there is, there is something that it isn’t, unless there isn’t” and if there is, then who or what observes, experiences, or arbitrates it? 

Is an atom in one of the pebbles under your sandals an “observer” — pleased to offer itself in service to your objective experience, humming “I’m an atom, I’m an atom, I’m an atom” eternally?

What if a bunch of people screaming about you being a larp, or insane, forgot all you and then twenty years later someone else came across it and said “hey, wait a minute, this is actually really fucking interesting?”

I had a dream at Norris , where the unit manager brought out a ladder one time and he hung a clock on the wall. The clock in question had been sitting on the top of the bookshelf in his office for the entire time I had been on the unit.

The next morning, my jaw dropped open as he did exactly that same very thing and put the clock exactly where I dreamt he had. I was excited and told him all about it and he just scowled at me and told me to go back to sleep and come back with next week’s winning lottery numbers.

Apparently that is just … how peoples minds work and where their minds go.

I’d probably counter back with “what is money, anyway?” but what the hell does a 13 year old know anyway?

I know THAT happened, despite his sarcastic and dismissive reaction to it.

I go .. what other experiments do they do to kids? “Hey we’re here to have you solve a puzzle” “some men are here to do a test on you.”

Why kids? Well, they have no idea what is in their environment or how it works.

A 39 year old me might be like “what the fuck, is there an MRI behind this wall?”

Except, in the occasional circumstance where you know how more things work than they are particularly amused with and they need to use better locks for you.

So okay, I am finding out that there are …. other people … who say this shit and call it other things than I do. If people’s minds immediately go to “well, go back and get me those lottery numbers” or “I want a wining horse name for the derby,” then what makes you think that if GE or one of those motherfuckers literally invented a “time machine” wouldn’t be just as callous or greedy or opportunistic and alter the course of history in the favor of themselves, their shareholders, their business interests?

Or .. ah fuck it let’s call it that , without splitting hairs into whether it is a distortion, alteration, warping, or bending of “time” or “perception” because time is a manifestation of perception any fucking way, but what if they did it and …

And said we’re going to go back in time and own everyone and everything, or fuck things up so badly and catastrophically that they diverged enough to create a final decoherence. Ask, why would someone “from 2036” interact with us or be desperate to acquire a machine that could translate mainframe languages?

What happens in 2038? The end of 32-bit unix epoch time. I just imagine they’d let everything run and run and run and and run and just deny the problem until kaboom, it was totally fucking unrecoverable? What would me think corporations or politicians would do such a stupid , reckless thing when they have 16 years to fix it? Is it more important to go back and erase any potentiality where anyone involved in this was named, blamed, or held accountable for what they did?

Or just race to acquire and own all technology, all media, all patents, all intellectual property as fast as you fucking can and install the machinery to silence or eliminate anyone or anything who …. has the persistence of memory in a “rift” ?

Why “must” the war happen?

Why “must” the agendas happen?

Why must these two countries go to war with one another?

Why “must” the United States go through a period of uprisal and upheaval or experience class strife, racial strife, etc?

Says who?

Why does it have to be exactly so?

“Why did SHE have to win?”

“Why, must HE absolutely not, under any circumstances, be allowed to win?”

Why are they calling it “terrorism” to question the results of that election?

What is decoherence? 

A paradox where there is a reality where original World Trade Center still stands.

Or, let’s use my favorite one to make fun of, “JFK Jr is still alive.”

I sit here staring at the wall, wondering “what the fuck, what if X really happened?”

They silence us , because WE have the potential to create a “decoherence” event.

I have a secret for you: 

Trump WAS the decoherence event. The rest of this is , all just , nonsense.

A window of opportunity, a rift, will be closing , if it hasn’t already.

There appears to be some way of .. being taken along for a ride , here. But my presumption is that most of us would continue going on as we are in the here and now, and they would continue going on as they are in their here and now, except their “history” and narrative would diverge so much they could no longer contain or control whatever the fuck it is that they are doing. 

Part of the problem with that is a whole generation of people who “just wanted to retire” , or “ship it anyway” knowing it was faulty, the people who “just want the trains to run on time” let the 2038 problem happen and then by then pretty much everyone left is too stupid to actually do anything about it, because of your you-know-what hiring practices. Even in 2019 I was explaining “DST” to these idiots.

Just as they do today , “oh. shit. we’re going have to fix this in two years aren’t we?”

What if we don’t make those choices, that we didn’t want to make anyway? 

And let them live with their choices, their arrogance, their refusal to take a constituent’s call , or shouting down the one person in QA who says “uh hey guys, um, there’s a flaw in this design” 


Worst case scenario they come after me with the butterfly net and my case manager renews my benefits for another year next year.

Best case scenario, the world isn’t as awful as I’ve supposed that it is, unless it’s way worse than I’ve supposed that it is.

Why do all of these fucking corporations and billionaires and people participate in this? Low IQ take: “huh huh huh, they drink children’s blood.”

I don’t know, maybe, just fucking look at some of them, I would 100% believe that.

But what if these “big tech” companies are covering up something they already did , that from our perspective, never happened yet?

Do I have your attention yet? 

Clones .. at least the way you do them now .. are one dimension lower than their original, and the world you wanted to throw away like a used Kleenex is the only one capable of sustaining them.

Argon. Argon, that’s what it was.

Target Demographic

22 Mar. 2016

Greeting from America’s second finest facility. I believe the local constabulary has rejected some of your correspondence – ‘it contains numbers and symbols that cannot be translated.’ Can’t entirely blame ‘em, I find some of it a bit baffling myself… Not sure I am really your target demographic, what with all the wifi neuroviruses and such.

The following rant may explain why – you’re welcome to publish it if you like.
Western society is to an ever greater degree becoming a construct in which interaction and liberties are mediated by machines. This can engender a mindset among freedom-oriented people that technology is a tool of the oppressor and should be shunned. That mindset is wrong.

When Europeans invaded the Americas (and Africa), the indigenous peoples feared the invaders technology and generally failed to adopt it until too late, if at all. When Europeans again tried to suppress the nascent American nation with superior technology (i.e. better guns, a navy), the Americans responded in kind and then some [more]. Whose strategy was superior? Ask a Cherokee. Ask an Inca or an Aztec if you can find one.

The problem with technology isn’t the technology per se, it’s the sociopolitical structures that implement it. Machines make great impartial arbiters, and provide a way to have rules without rulers – think Bitcoin, of TCP/IP. A technocracy can be the epitome of freedom or fascism: it’s up to the programmers. Open to scrutiny and understood by all, or closed corporate hegemony. Transparent and provably trustworthy, or declared trustworthy by CEO’s and spooks.

The same power that gives life to the PRISM and the Facebook Control Grid can also facilitate the conduct of communication and business in provable privacy.
Free men and women – rational anarchists, if you prefer – must acknowledge the freedom of others to not be free, to choose bondage in exchange for ‘security’ or convenience. The majority of the sheeple want all their personal detritus safe in the Cloud. They believe anyone (else) who seeks to have a private conversation that’s not archived and indexed for posterity must be up to something. They want to outsource their opinions, appoint corporations as the arbiters of privacy, have their habits and fetishes analyzed in the name of curated contents. The will of the masses to wear the yoke will not be denied.

Corporations and governments will build abominations to suit, and refusing to acknowledge an abomination does not make it go away. To shun technology is to ignore the lessons of history. Railing against it is as productive as shaking one’s fist at the weather.

Trying to tear it down incites the wrath of titans and the disapproval of the flock. Also, it’s imprudent to sabotage the enemy’s gear when it can be captured instead. It is the prerogative, perhaps the duty, of free people to embrace the tools of technocracy, to understand, adapt, surpass, to use those tools to build structures that further the cause of freedom and transcend regimes and borders.

Joseph Konopka


God forbid the public be allowed to discuss issues related to public health and/or safety. The unwashed ignorant masses must turn on CNN and stare at their TV in glassy eyed fear and trust the experts. Amirite, Jack ?

The Absolute State of “maga”

Oh does Israel need another billion dollars to terrorize brown people? Let me get my purse! “I’m a “Conservative” but I am very ‘live and let live ‘ on fiscal issues!”
A lying witch and a wardrobe
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